The Salmons' European Vacation: Austria

Summer, 1985

Lynn and John Salmon <>{

Arriving ahead of schedule in Vienna, we found a B&B for a couple nights before transferring to our reserved AYH hostel. Both were comfortable, and we thouroughly enjoyed the extra couple of days we got to explore the attractions in Vienna.

Schonbrunn Palace is a World Heritage Site, and major tourist attraction. It was commissioned by Emperor Leopold I at the end of the 17th century as a hunting lodge for his son, Crown Prince Joseph. It expanded and grew to become the imperial residence of the Habsburg emperors, and was also the site of the world's first zoo in 1752.

The historic center of Vienna was added to the World Heritage List in 2001. We easily toured around using convenient public transportation like the U-Bahn.

A favorite visit of ours was the Traum und Wirklichkeit (Dream and Reality) exhibition at the Vienna Kunstlerhaus. (see link) We also attended our first Opera, Die Fledermaus.

More photos from Vienna (Summer, 1985)

After Vienna, we had time to visit one more Austrian World Heritage City: Salzburg.

The Roman town of Juvavum built in 15 AD was established on the site of the future town of Salzburg. Salzburg and its fortifications were built in the 9th century. The town filled up with monuments. Great artists lived and worked in the city, and it enjoyed a Baroque renaissance.

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Lynn & John Salmon <>{