First Mumu in England?Kate Fullagar found this interesting tidbit during her thesis research. Omai was the first Polynesian to come to Britain 1774-6. Lord Sandwich one day, at Hinchinbrook, proposed that Omai should dress a shoulder of mutton in his own manner; and he was quite delighted, for he always wished to make himself useful. Having dug a deep hole in the ground, he placed fuel at the bottom of it, and then covered it with clean pebbles; when properly heated, he laid the mutton, neatly enveloped in leaves, at the top, and having closed the hole, walked constantly around it, very deliberately observing the sun. The meat was afterwards brought to table, was much commended, and all the company partook of it. And let not the fastidious gourmand deride this simple method; for are not his own wheat-ears, or his fieldfares, now frequently brought to table wrapped in vine-leaves? And are not his pheasants, or partridges, smothered up in cabbage, almost as well-known in St James's-street, as in the purlieus of the Palais-Royal? Written c. 1775: Joseph Cradock, Literary and Miscellaneous Memoirs (London, 1828). |
Lynn Salmon <>{