Rules for Skins Curling
The Skins format differs from regular curling in that a marker
is awarded for each end won, with the value for each end
increasing as the game progresses. An end is won if the team with
the hammer scores two or more points or the opposing team steals the
end with at least one point. If neither of these occur the marker is carried over to the next
end and the total value at stake grows. This results in a very
exciting offensive style of play where every end is like the final end
of the game with teams going all out to win.
- Games will be six or eight ends as agreed upon before the start of the game.
A coin flip will determine the hammer and stone color.
The team winning the coin flip can choose either:
- (a) to throw first or second stone in the first end, or
- (b) the rock color they wish to use
- In a skins game teams play to win the end, not to accumulate a total score.
To win an end:
- The team that has the hammer must score at least two points.
- The team without the hammer must steal at least one point.
If neither team wins the end, the end is blanked and the marker carries over
until an end is won.
- The hammer:
- If a team wins the end, the hammer goes to the other team in the next end.
- If no team wins the end, the hammer changes teams
for the next end.
- Scoring:
- End 1 and 2 are each worth 1 point
- End 3 and 4 are each worth 2 points
- End 5 and 6 are each worth 3 points
- End 7 and 8 are each worth 4 points
There are a couple of methods for keeping track of the score and teams should agree
on which they choose to do.
- Method 1: Hang a score marker after each end using the points listed above as the
score for the end. For example, a team winning the 3rd end would have a score of 2 for
that end. And, if the previous end(s) had been blanked, they would take the carry-over
points from those ends and add it to the score. There is no need to turn the markers
to the reverse side for this method, though some people do this.
- Method 2:
Keep track of the end winners without regard for the point totals each end.
For this, hang a score marker (people tend to hang the rectangles with
the reverse side of the numbers facing out)
beside your color under/over the 1 point on the scoreboard to indicate the winner of
end 1. Hang a score marker under/over the point 2 indicating the winner of end 2,
and so on for each end.
You didn't actually score one point each end, you are just keeping track of the winner
of each end and can multiply the points for each end at the end of the game.
- Final End:
If neither team wins the final end,
a draw to the button determines the winner of that end (i.e., Skips' Rocks).
- The five-rock Free Guard Zone rule applies, as do all other standard curling rules.
Example skins game payout:
Each player pays $20 for a total of $160 in the pot and play
eight ends.
END -- |
Point Value -- |
Payout $$ |
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- Total:
- 1
- 1
- 2
- 2
- 3
- 3
- 4
- 4
- $8
- $8
- $16
- $16
- $24
- $24
- $32
- $32
- $160
Sample Game
Sample game with eight ends and $20 per person.
End 1 - Team Yellow scores 3 points with the hammer to win the end, and
earns the marker. The hammer now goes to Team Red.
End 2 - Team Yellow steals 2 points without the hammer to win the end, and
earns the marker. The hammer goes to the team that did not win the end
and stays with Team Red.
End 3 - Team Red scores 1 point with the hammer. This is considered a
blank end. The marker is carried-over to the next end. The hammer
switches to Team Yellow.
End 4 - Team Red steals 1 point to win the end, and earns the marker
for end 4 as well as the marker carried forward from end 3. Team Yellow
retains the hammer.
End 5 - Blanked end. The hammer switches to team Red. The marker is
carried-forward to the next end.
End 6 - Team Red scores an 8 ender to win the end, and earns the marker
for end 6 and also wins the marker carried forward from end 5. The
hammer switches to Team Yellow.
End 7 - Team Red scores 3 points without the hammer and wins the end.
They earn the marker for end 7. Team Yellow keeps the hammer.
End 8 - Team Yellow scores 2 points with the hammer and wins the end.
Game over.
Final score:
- Team Yellow: won ends 1, 2, 8 = $8 + $8 + $32 = $48 ($12 per player)
- Team Red: won ends 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 = $16 + $16 + $24 + $24 + $32 = $112 ($28 per player)
Team Red netted $8 per person. Can they afford to buy drinks for their opponents?
Lynn Salmon <>{
Last update: December 25, 2024