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r123::ARS1xm128i_R< ROUNDS > Class Template Reference
[ARS and AESNI Classes and Typedefs]

#include <Random123/ars.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef ars1xm128i_ctr_t ctr_type
typedef ars1xm128i_key_t key_type
typedef ars1xm128i_key_t ukey_type

Public Member Functions

ctr_type operator() (ctr_type ctr, key_type key) const

Static Public Attributes

static const unsigned int rounds = ROUNDS

Detailed Description

template<unsigned int ROUNDS>
class r123::ARS1xm128i_R< ROUNDS >

ARS1xm128i_R exports the member functions, typedefs and operator overloads required by a Counter Based RNGs (CBRNGs). class.

ARS1xm128i uses the crypotgraphic AES round function, but a non-cryptographc key schedule to save time and space.

ARS1xm128i is only available when the feature-test macro R123_USE_AES_NI is true, which should occur only when the compiler is configured to generate AES-NI instructions (or when defaults are overridden by compile-time, compiler-command-line options).

The template argument, ROUNDS, is the number of times the ARS round functions will be applied.

As of September 2011, the authors know of no statistical flaws with ROUNDS=5 or more.

ARS1xm128i is equivalent to ARS1xm128i_R<7>. With 7 rounds, the ARS1xm128i CBRNG has a considerable safety margin over the minimum number of rounds with no known statistical flaws, but still has excellent performance.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<unsigned int ROUNDS>
typedef ars1xm128i_ctr_t r123::ARS1xm128i_R< ROUNDS >::ctr_type
template<unsigned int ROUNDS>
typedef ars1xm128i_key_t r123::ARS1xm128i_R< ROUNDS >::key_type
template<unsigned int ROUNDS>
typedef ars1xm128i_key_t r123::ARS1xm128i_R< ROUNDS >::ukey_type

Member Function Documentation

template<unsigned int ROUNDS>
ctr_type r123::ARS1xm128i_R< ROUNDS >::operator() ( ctr_type  ctr,
key_type  key 
) const [inline]

Member Data Documentation

template<unsigned int ROUNDS>
const unsigned int r123::ARS1xm128i_R< ROUNDS >::rounds = ROUNDS [static]

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