St. John's Wort (Hypericum sp.)

There are many varieties. I planted 3 types in the yard this year.

Golden St. John's Wort (Hypericum frondosum), September 11, 2022

I planted this native next to the mailbox for John. This plant is supposed to be a compact shrub (2-3 feet), deer resistant, and tolerate poor rocky soil conditions.

Blues Festival St. John's Wort (Hypericum kalmianum), September 17, 2022

I chose this native plant because there was some growing in the SMRA butterfly garden. This is another compact shrub. The plant person at Rosedale Nursery told me it preferred "swampy" conditions, so I planted it the front bed next to the ligularia. It's near the hose so I can water it regularly.

Stonework in the front yard caused this plant to be dug up in March, 2023. The roots are still tightly compacted like it's been in a pot the whole time. I will replant it and see if it survives.

Update, June 8, 2023. The plant looks to be doing great. ( see photo)

Creeping St. John's Wort (Hypericum calyinum), September 18, 2022

I got a few of these smaller ground cover plants. I don't think these are natives, but I wanted to fill out the area around the shrubbier St. John's Wort by the mailbox and bought a bundle of 5 of them. I planted two of these by the mailbox, two more in the upper rock garden in the front yard, and have a fifth plant I will overwinter in a pot indoors and decide where to put it in the spring.

The two in the picture by the mailbox seem to have not survived the winter. The one I potted and kept in the house all winter looks great.

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Lynn Salmon <>{