Travel Links for Norway (and Sweden and Finland)

These are a few links we made prior to our 2012 Midnight Sun Trip

Money (as of June 2012):

The arctic circle is at N66 33.733, 66.5622 north of the Equator. Sunrise/sunset timetable for midnight sun.

World Heritage Sites in Norway

Struve Geodetic Arc represented the first accurate measuring of a long segment of a meridian. 34 of the original 265 station points are included in the listing. one end point way up in Hammerfest (N70 40 12 E23 39 48) there is also a point in Alta (N69 56 19 E23 21 37) probably not accessible

Alesund and Andalsnes info:


Near Dombas and Roros:



Tripoint where Norway, Sweden, Finland come together:


Nearby in Sweden:

Lynn Salmon <>{

Last updated: July 6, 2012