Birds of Bhutan (November, 2024)

From my travel log -- Bhutan: Land of the Thunder Dragon

by Lynn Salmon <>{

My three weeks in the highlands and lowlands of Bhutan included Phobjikha Valley, the wintering ground for the Black-necked Crane. Our timing was perfect, as the cranes started arriving near the beginning of our trip with crane numbers increasing by the time we reached their area.

We also had success finding a very special bird, the White-bellied Heron, it's one of the world's rarest birds with approximately 60 of them left in the wild.

The Russet Sparrow has the honor of being the first bird I saw on the trip, glimpsed from the bus window as we left the airport. My final Trip EBird List netted 278 species observed in Bhutan over 21 days. The Bhutanese birds included 252 new species added to The Salmon Bird List plus 6 new species were added during my overnight in Bangkok on the way to Bhutan.

Black-necked Cranes:

White-bellied Heron:


Special Birds I enjoyed seeing:



Nutcrackers, Sibias, Accentors:


Finches, Parrotbills, and Babblers:

Leaf Birds !!!

Drongos, Treepies, Bee-eater:


More birds:


Nuthatches and Tits:


Shore birds:

Pigeons and Doves:



Other birds:


Birds seen in Bangkok:

More Birding at the Gelephu Sewerage Treatment Plant

Lynn Salmon <>{

From my travel log -- Bhutan: Land of the Thunder Dragon