Does something smell fishy ?
Lynn Garry Salmon
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Salmon Travel Logs
- Bhutan: Land of the Thunder Dragon - 2024
- Costa Rica Photo Safari on the Osa Peninsula - 2023
- Indiana Salmon and the Midwest Crusade - 2023
- Guat's Up - Birding in Guatemala - 2023
- South Africa Birding & Wildlife Safari - 2022
- Fall Adirondack Adventure - 2021
- Middle of the World: Galapagos and Rainforests of Ecuador - 2019
- March Magic: Nebraska Crane Migration - 2019
- Around Newfoundland: Puffins, but no Labrador Ducks - 2018
- Birding along the Border: Coastal Texas Trip - 2017
- Total Eclipse of the Sun: Nebraska August 21 2017
- Iditarod: The Last Great Race - 1049 miles - 2017
- Dawn on the Serengeti - 2016
- Cuba: Birds, Bath and Beyond - 2016
- Southern Ocean Expedition: Falklands, South Georgia, and the Antarctic Peninsula - 2015
- Have an Ice Day - Spring in Alaska - 2014
- Wolves and Birds and Bears, Oh My: Yellowstone and Beyond - 2013
- Fish Tacos in Iceland - 2013
- Midnight Sun: Warming the Arctic Chill - 2012
- End of an Era (or 3) - Space Shuttle, Florida Visit - 2011
- Chile: Total Eclipse, Navel of the World, and Driest Place on Earth - 2010
- Counting birds with cannons, Cape May, NJ - 2010
- Four Corners - California to Colorado - 2009
- Germany - World Heritage Tour - 2008
- Trip to the Roof of the World - 2002
- No More Falcons - 2002
- Millenium Ostrich - 1999
- Up the Mekong - 1998
- You Can't Get There From Here:
Trip to the Pitcairn Islands - 1997
- A Year Down Under - 1995
- The Great Penguin Count on Gabo Island - 1994
- A Trip To the End of the World - 1993
- A Trip Along the Silk Road - 1991
- Bike and Camel Safari in Rajasthan - 1987
- Kath-man-du! I think that's really where I'm going to - 1987
- The Salmons' European Vacation - 1985
- My husband John had a home page of his own
- John's Hotpoker (no longer works)
- Random 123 random number generator
- Team Mumu Pit Cooking: How to tell dinner
from a hole in the ground
- Millenium Ostrich
- Turducken A chicken in a duck in a turkey
- Of moths and men: cooking Bogong moths
- Salmon anyone?
Close to Home
- Us through the years
- Salmon with Brooms and
the Pondspiel
- Ducksoup newsletter of the Ardsley Curling Club
- Duck of the Month
- Lynn's family tree
- Not Quite as Big Bamboo 10/10/10
- Snowmageddon 2010
- Birding in the Hudson Valley
- I Love My Park Day on the OCA
- Dog Stuff
- Coho dog
- Our sheep in wolf's clothing
- Favorite garden tools:
Black and Decker
- Salmon Homes
- St. Petersburg House
- Scrabble on Hardscrabble
- Salmon Plants
- Things that go bump in the night
- Backyard Wilderness drone filming
Other Stuff
- Geocaching
- Mumu Fish Beads
- Walking in Westchester
- EarBird Birding by Ear Flash Card Sounds
- Senior House at MIT
- MIT 40th Reunion
- Urban Dare
- Urban Challenge
- Ryoji Ikeda: The Transfinite May, 2011
- maps and travelling
- Anadromous Media
- Moles in Space 1//
2 //
3 //
4 //
(Blacker Interhouse 1988)
My Career
Until his death on July 30, 2001, I worked with
Dr. Glen R. Cass
at the California Institute of Technology.
As a senior scientist, I
specialized in the study of effects
of atmospheric pollution on cultural properties. My work includes
studies of airborne pollutants in national parks, museums and
archaeological sites around the world.
I designed, deployed, managed and analyzed samples from the
Beijing Blue Skies
air monitoring project that helped bring the 2008 Olympics
to Beijing. We then moved the equipment south to
carry out a fine particle air pollution source apportionment study to help manage air quality
in the Pearl River Delta
in southern China and Hong Kong.
Other work of mine involved air pollutant monitoring at the
Asinou Church in Cyprus, and the
Global Ozone Passive Monitoring Project.
My research projects in Poland included a study at the
Wieliczka Salt Mine as well
as an investigation of the soiling inside the Wawel Castle
and several museums located in the historic
central district
I spent the months of April through June, 1991 working and travelling in China
as part of an extensive multi-year air pollution monitoring project at the
Buddhist cave temples in Yungang, China.
I also spent plenty of time (nearly 20 years) analyzing samples in the lab and
conducting field work in Southern California.
Here are a few photos of rooftop sampling at Caltech.
And, here are some photos from the
Air Pollution Study at the New Getty Museum.